Level 2 Generator Test
Q: Are level 2 facilities required to perform a 36-month 4-hour generator test? We have a level 2 psychiatric facility that is owned by the state, and we run a small portion of the facility for them. The state is completing weekly inspections and monthly 30-minute load tests but we were told by the state that they're not required to complete the 36-month test since they are a level 2 facility that exceeds 30% nameplate rating during their monthly test. What do you say?
A: After reviewing chapter 4 of NFPA 110-2010, and reviewing NFPA 99-2012… I can see how the state would believe the psychiatric hospital would qualify as a Level 2 EES since failure of the electrical system would not result in serious injury or death. And section 8.4.9 of NFPA 110-2010 does specifically state only Level 1 EES are required to have a 36-month 4-hour load test. And the requirement for the 36-month 4-hour load test comes from NFPA 110-2010, and not from NFPA 99-2012. So, from an NFPA point of view, I would agree with the state on this.
But what about your accreditation organization? They may have specific standards that require the 3-year 4-hour test regardless of if it is a Level 1 or a Level 2 generator.